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Get actionable dining insights

Enhance your restaurant's performance and guest experience to achieve hospitality excellence. All guest and reservation data is owned by you and only you.

Restaurant booking management software

Get Actionable Dining Insights


Manage guest insights

Know who your regulars are. The more information you have, the better. Save preferences, dietary needs and bridge online-offline gaps with recurring guest tags.


Get Actionable Dining Insights


Track and simplify reporting

ZenchefOS gives you key metrics in an easy-to-read, insightful dashboard. Analyze monthly performance, guest reviews and master dynamics like new vs. returning guests.


Get Actionable Dining Insights


Own your data

Discover your most successful acquisition channels, identify top-performing promotions and track returning guests. All insights are yours, with no hidden fees.

Make dining out more meaningful

Discover how we can help improve the dining experiences you serve your guests.

For restaurateurs
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Frequently asked questions

Is the data provided by ZenchefOS truly owned by the restaurant without any hidden fees?

Absolutely! ZenchefOS ensures that all guest and reservation data belongs solely to the restaurant, with no hidden fees. This means you have complete ownership of your dining insights without any third-party interference.

How does ZenchefOS assist in managing guest insights for a more personalized experience?

ZenchefOS allows you to identify and manage your regular customers, providing insights into their preferences and dietary needs. Save this information with recurring guest tags to bridge the gap between online and offline interactions.

How can I leverage guest insights to build stronger relationships with my restaurant patrons?

Guests are at the core of your business, and Zenchef helps you own and utilize their insights. By harnessing this data for personalized engagement, you can foster closer connections and build stronger, more meaningful relationships with your restaurant clientele.